Mary as Our Nurturing Divine Mother in Recovery

Who better than the Blessed Mother, our spiritual divine nurturer, to provide grace and support as we navigate the challenges of addiction recovery?

When struggling with addiction, too often did we turn to our addiction of choice for comfort, in good times and bad.

Often in those moments, what we were really reaching for was not the addiction itself, but the sense of connection we felt we had lost over time.

That included lost connections with others, with ourselves, and with the divine.

We may have parents, family, partners, or friends who can provide a real sense of connection and safe place for us while we are in recovery.

Many suffering from addiction do not.

Either way, our soul yearns for comfort and nurturing as we heal the wounds caused by addiction, and the wounds that led us to addiction in the first place.

Many of these wounds first took root in childhood and, left unhealed, wreaked havoc in our lives into adulthood.

Who better than the Blessed Mother, our spiritual divine nurturer, to provide that grace and support as we navigate the challenges of recovery?

When and where our human support system cannot provide the comfort and nurturing that our soul craves, our divine mother steps in to guide us to and through our healing process.

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The Rosary as Companion to the Twelve Steps


The "Prophecies" of Addiction and Recovery - 3rd Luminous Mystery