The "Prophecies" of Addiction and Recovery - 3rd Luminous Mystery
Many of these “prophets” warned us about the dangers of addiction and temptation, urging us to say no, to avoid certain substances, activities, places, or people who indulged in their vices.
Jesus, and many before Him, prophesied the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Very likely, we encountered many “prophets” and "disciples" during our struggles with addiction.
Many of these “prophets” warned us about the dangers of addiction and temptation, urging us to say no, to avoid certain substances, activities, places, or people who indulged in their vices.
Others warned us about the painful physical, mental, and emotional effects that addiction would eventually have on our lives, and the consequences we may face if we choose recovery instead.
And many who are in recovery, as "disciples" following the healing path, shared with us their own experiences with addiction and with recovery.
These “disciples” encouraged us to make healthier choices for ourselves instead of experiencing a life of suffering, as they had.
Prophets and disciples alike, these individuals very likely proclaimed the kingdom of God – the promised renewal of addiction recovery.
These “prophecies” likely came to us many times throughout our struggle with addiction before we finally gave God our “yes” and chose to follow a new path and way of life.
As the conversion to prepare for the kingdom of God is a long process and series of events, so too is our healing and recovery from addiction.
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