Recovery as a Renewed Sense of Life - Glorious Mysteries

When we decide to overcome addiction, we experience a death to our former way of life, and a resurrection to walk the path God intended for our lives.

In meditating on the Glorious Mysteries, we celebrate the glory and triumph of life over death.

Through the Glorious narratives of Jesus, Mary, and the apostles, we explore various perspectives following Jesus’s passion and death, and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Addiction recovery offers us the opportunity to triumph in our rebirth, our own personal resurrection and ascension, and our renewed sense of life in recovery.

When we decide to begin overcoming our addictions and their root causes, we experience a death to our former way of life, and a resurrection to continue walking the path God intended for our lives, as Jesus did.

In removing our addictions as the central focus of our lives and decisions, we align our will with God’s will and a new life for us.

The removal is the renewal.

By admitting our powerlessness over our addiction, the First of the Twelve Steps, we in turn are fully empowered by God’s mercy, grace, and redemption, as promised by a life of sobriety aligned with God’s plan.

We and our loved ones begin to witness a miraculous, glorious transformation occurring within us and in our lives as we take one step at a time on this new path.

Each step of the way, Blessed Mother Mary intercedes for us, facilitating our healing miracles in recovery, and our divine timing to receive the gifts of God’s mercy, grace, and redemption.

For more recovery meditations, follow along with us:

Instagram: @rosary4recovery
Facebook: /rosary4recovery4
Twitter: @rosary4recovery


Miracles of Recovery: In Public and Behind Closed Doors - Luminous Mysteries


Addiction as the Cross We Bear - Sorrowful Mysteries